[图书][B] Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorlesungsvideos versus Aufgaben

J Weidlich, C Spannagel - 2014 - pedocs.de
Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom. Vorlesungsvideos versus Aufgaben Page 1
Weidlich, Joshua; Spannagel, Christian Die Vorbereitungsphase im Flipped Classroom …

Smart learner support through semi-automatic feedback

P Libbrecht, W Müller, S Rebholz - Smart learning environments, 2014 - Springer
Learning tools that produce automated feedback are becoming commodity, from multiple-
choice questions to intelligent tutoring systems, and from direct manipulations to exploratory …

Metodologias Alternativas e suas Vicissitudes: ensino de matemática para engenharias

TCB Cabral - Perspectivas da Educação Matemática, 2015 - trilhasdahistoria.ufms.br
Baseando-se em pesquisas publicadas e em documentos oficiais, tanto os produzidos pelo
MEC quanto projetos pedagógicos, que sugerem diretrizes para formação de profissionais …

Entwicklung eines Frameworks für semi-automatisches Feedback zur Unterstützung bei Lernprozessen

D Herding, M Zimmermann, C Bescherer, U Schroeder - 2010 - dl.gi.de
Feedback gibt es für Studierende an Hochschule zumindest in den ersten Semestern oft nur
in Form von Punkten oder Noten in den Klausuren bzw. gelösten Übungsaufgaben. Ein …

Applying computer-aided intelligent assessment in the context of mathematical induction

S Rebholz, M Zimmermann - Transactions on Edutainment X, 2013 - Springer
Intelligent Assessment represents a novel approach in the field of Computer-Aided
Assessment (CAA). In Intelligent Assessment, the student's performance is not only …

[PDF][PDF] An interactive learning activity for the formation of the concept of function based on representational transfer

A Fest, M Hiob-Viertler, A Hoffkamp - The Electronic Journal of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
The concept of function is a central idea in mathematics. Functions have many facets, which
often cause problems to students. On the one hand the nature of functional dependencies …

On the creation of sustainable design patterns of ICT integration in the classroom

T Hadzilacos, A Mavroudi, K Georgiou, N Otero… - 2016 - aisel.aisnet.org
The paper focuses on the methodology of making observations that account for the actual
use of ICT infrastructure and tools in the classroom. The observational study is part of a …

E-learning tools with intelligent assessment and feedback for mathematics study

C Bescherer, D Herding, U Kortenkamp… - … and adaptive learning …, 2012 - igi-global.com
Abstract Mathematics students, often among large university classes of several hundreds of
students, are easily daunted when solving math problems. Lacking individual feedback, they …

Pattern: Hint on Demand

M Zimmermann, D Herding, C Bescherer - Practical design patterns for …, 2014 - brill.com
Students in mathematical courses at university have to work on weekly exercises in addition
to attending lectures. Most of these exercises can be solved by performing several discrete …

[图书][B] Geometrie-Wiki: Prozessorientierte Unterstützung von Geometrievorlesungen

A Schnirch, C Spannagel, PH Heidelberg - 2011 - core.ac.uk
Die Veranstaltung „Einführung in die Geometrie “in Modul 2 an der Pädagogischen
Hochschule Heidelberg besteht aus einer Vorlesung (2 SWS) und einer Übung (2 SWS) …