BP Sharma - Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence and …, 2022 - researchberg.com
The purpose of the article is to explore the various ways in which digital tools can impact art education. It aims to examine how these tools can provide new opportunities for creative …
Development of both the marketing and cultural sectors have multi-directional natures, showing relationships with sustainable development that should be considered at various …
G Coutts, K Coleman, J Silverman… - International …, 2024 - intellectdiscover.com
This article has its origins in the work of an International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) focus group formed in 2020 to respond to a UNESCO consultation on the 'future …
A Duveneck - Wissenstransfer, 2023 - library.oapen.org
Wenn Kommunen gegenwärtige Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, bezahlbares Wohnen oder den Abbau von Bildungsbarrieren meistern wollen–so die Annahmen im …
This research investigates the embodied dialogue between teacher and students, and between peers, in a dance workshop series of six dance classes. The key question …
Blue, blue, blue, the sea weakens On white edges along the beach. Only that sound, happy and ancient, rumbles In the lucid silence of this hour. The more–stillness, and on the thin …
„As we live, we grow and our beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant discovery. We should be open to this adventure in heightened awareness …
Dit rapport bevat de neerslag van drie studies die werden uitgevoerd om een meer diversiteitssensitief en inclusief klasklimaat te creëren. Studie 1 werd uitgevoerd in de …
A Minenok, I Zinkiv, I Konovalova, I Polska… - Multidisciplinary …, 2023 - malque.pub
The purpose of the article is to study art education as a means of forming cultural identity and civic consciousness. To achieve this goal, theoretical methods of cognition were used …