The review presents rigorous results of the theory of fundamental equations of evolution of many-particle systems with collisions and also considers their connection with nonlinear …
M Lachowicz - Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics, 1993 - Springer
A system of stochastic differential equations modeling the Euler and the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic equations Page 1 Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., 10 (1993), 109-131 A System of …
Stochastic dynamics corresponding to the Boltzmann hierarchy is constructed. The Liouville- Itô equations are obtained, from which we derive the Boltzmann hierarchy regarded as an …
В Герасименко, І Гап'як - Збірник Праць Інституту математики …, 2023 -
Анотація В огляді подано строгі результати теорії фундаментальних еволюційних рівнянь систем багатьох частинок із зіткненнями, а також розглянуто їх зв'язок із …
M Tessarotto - arXiv preprint arXiv:0806.4891, 2008 -
Despite the progress achieved by kinetic theory, the search of possible exact kinetic equations remains elusive to date. This concerns, specifically, the issue of the validity of the …
A finite system of stochastic interacting particles is considered. The system approximates the solutions of the kinetic equations (the Boltzmann equation, the Boltzmann-Enskog equation) …
Stochastic dynamics corresponding to the Boltzmann hierarchy is constructed. The Liouville- Itô equations are obtained, from which we derive the Boltzmann hierarchy regarded as an …
VI Gerasimenko - Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 1992 - Springer
Solutions of Bogolyubov equations for one-dimensional system of hard spheres Page 1 SOLUTIONS OF BOGOLYUBOV EQUATIONS FOR ONE-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEM OF HARD …
DY Petrina, ED Petrina - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1997 - Springer
We study equilibrium states of systems of hard spheres in the Boltzmann-Enskog limit (d→ 0, 1/v→∞(z→∞), and d 3 (1/v)= const (d 3 z= const)). For this purpose, we use the Kirkwood …