Cloud based test environment

S Saxon, J Neubeck, M Collins, D Weinmann… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods described herein provide for administering and proctoring of
a secure online examination utilizing a 'cloud'computing environment. The cloud computing …

Proctored performance analysis

W Dorman - US Patent 9,280,907, 2016 - Google Patents
G09B 7/02(2006.01)(57) G09B 5/00(2006.01) Systems and methods described herein
provide for adminis G09B 7/07(2006.01) tering and proctoring of a secure online exam that …

Method and system of rail component detection using vision technology

N Haas, Y Li, CA Otto, S Pankanti - US Patent 8,625,878, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The present invention is directed to the field of railroad track inspection, and
more specifically to a method and sys tem of rail component detection using vision …

Track data determination system and method

MC Kirchner, JD Kernwein, CE Diefenderfer… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
A track data determination system including: a video camera device positioned on a vehicle
to capture video data in at least one field-of-view; a geographic positioning unit associated …

Automated turnout inspection

AM Zarembski, TL Euston, JW Palese - US Patent 8,345,948, 2013 - Google Patents
6,556,945 B1* 4/2003 Burggraf et al............... 7O2/159 7,036.232 B2* 5/2006
Casagrande.................... 33/1 Q 7,389,694 B1 6/2008 Hay et al. rail profile and applying …

3D track assessment system and method

D Mesher - US Patent 10,362,293, 2019 - Google Patents
US10362293B2 - 3D track assessment system and method - Google Patents
US10362293B2 - 3D track assessment system and method - Google Patents 3D track …

Sensor synchronization apparatus and method

D Mesher - US Patent 10,322,734, 2019 - Google Patents
US10322734B2 - Sensor synchronization apparatus and method - Google Patents
US10322734B2 - Sensor synchronization apparatus and method - Google Patents Sensor …

Light emission power control apparatus and method

D Mesher - US Patent 10,349,491, 2019 - Google Patents
A system and method for adjusting light emitter output for a railway track inspection system
based on data feedback from one or more sensors. The system includes: a power source; a …

Detecting aberrant behavior in an exam-taking environment

J Kaufman, A Caldwell - US Patent App. 14/207,637, 2014 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods for detecting aberrant behavior in a testing environment
involve receiving real-time audio-visual data from a detection device and executing an …

Maintaining a secure computing device in a test taking environment

D Foster, R Bonsall, J Caddel, W Dormann… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
G09B 3/00(2006.01) LLP G06F II/36(2006.01) GO9B 5/OO(2006.01)(57) ABSTRACT GO9B
7/04(2006.01) The presently disclosed invention provides for the security of (52) US Cl a …