[PDF][PDF] Water Quality and Trophic Status to Estimate Fish Production Potential for Sustainable Fisheries in Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi

S Kaban, YC Ditya, KF Safran Makmur - Polish Journal of …, 2023 - academia.edu
Lake Poso is a tectonic lake and the third largest of the lake in Indonesia, and is a potential
area for endemic fish resources and tropical eels, disturbance to ecosystem balance in the …

[PDF][PDF] Study of The Abundance and Characteristics of Microplastic Contamination in The Fish of Capture Results of Fishermen in The Lake Towuti Waters, East Luwu …

MA Yusuf, A Tahir - Int. J. Sci. Res. Publ, 2021 - academia.edu
Microplastics (< 5mm) are a serious threat, both to aquatic organisms and to humans
directly. This is due to microplastics in waters can absorb various toxic substances, so as …

The Trophic Status and Fish Potential Yield of Ayamaru Lake in West Papua, Indonesia

T Hidayah, M Marson, D Muthmainnah… - Sriwijaya Journal of …, 2022 - ojs.pps.unsri.ac.id
Ayamaru lake is a shallow lake located in the Maybrat district, West Papua which has a
significant role in supporting the water supply, transportation, tourism, fisheries, and transit …

Trophic status analysis and estimation of fish production in Aneuk Laot Lake aquatic resources management, Sabang City

N Nurfadillah, I Dewiyanti, SR Rahayu, S Sari, I Karina… - Depik, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
Abstract Aneuk Laot Lake is located in Sabang City, Weh Island, Aceh Province. Changes in
water quality can affect the life of aquatic organisms found in Aneuk Laot Lake. The purpose …

[PDF][PDF] Monograf Endemisitas Ikan Famili Telmatheherinidae Di Danau Towoti

R Rustam - 2023 - repository.umi.ac.id
Puji syukur saya panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat dan rahmat-
Nya, saya dapat menyelesaikan buku ini. Penulisan buku merupakan buah karya dari …

Monograf Endemisitas Ikan Famili Telmatherinidae di Danau Towuti

J Jayadi, I Ilmiah, R Rustam - 2023 - repository.penerbiteureka.com
Abstract Sumberdaya ikan endemik Famili Telmaterina di Danau Towuti memilik sifat
endemisitas yang unik dan menarik, namun sudah terdaftar dalam The International Union …

Survei Kualitas Air Danau Pandan yang Terletak di Kecamatan Pinangsori Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah: Ekologi

R Rosmasita, ES Yanti… - Jurnal Sumberdaya …, 2020 - ejournalfpikunipa.ac.id
Lake Pandan had an area of±103 hectares located in the village of Parjalihotan Baru,
Pinangsori sub-district, Tapanuli Tengah district. The status of Lake Pandan was still rarely …