In this work we present a comprehensive analysis of collective electronic fluctuations and their effect on single-particle properties of the Hubbard model. Our approach is based on a …
While the pseudogap dominates the phase diagram of hole-doped cuprates, connecting the antiferromagnetic parent insulator at low doping to the strange metal at higher doping, its …
We study the physics of high-temperature cuprate superconductors starting from the highly degenerate four-site plaquette of the t− t′− U Hubbard model as a reference system. The …
Superconductivity has entered the nickel age marked by enormous experimental and theoretical efforts. Notwithstanding, synthesizing nickelate superconductors remains …
Systems with strong electronic Coulomb correlations often display rich phase diagrams exhibiting different ordered phases involving spin, charge, or orbital degrees of freedom …
We have developed a strong-coupling perturbation scheme for a general doped Hubbard model around a particle-hole-symmetric reference system, which is free from the fermionic …
Using the Sierpinski gasket (triangle) and carpet (square) lattices as examples, we theoretically study the properties of fractal superconductors. For that, we focus on the …
AA Bagrov, M Danilov, S Brener, M Harland… - Scientific reports, 2020 -
A considerable success in phenomenological description of high-T c superconductors has been achieved within the paradigm of Quantum Critical Point (QCP)—a parental state of a …
Elucidating the physics of the single-orbital Hubbard model in its intermediate-coupling regime is a key missing ingredient to our understanding of metal-insulator transitions in real …