How epidemic photography during a global pandemic of bubonic plague contributed to the development of modern epidemiology and our concept of the “pandemic.” In Visual Plague …
Ö Yılmaz - Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları, 2023 -
Tarih boyunca milyonlarca insanın ölümüne neden olan veba salgınları on sekizinci yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Batı Avrupa için bir sorun olmaktan çıksa da ticaret yollarının üzerinde …
K Bos, SN DeWitte - Palaeopathology and evolutionary medicine …, 2022 -
Some examples include examination of both proximateandultimate causesof vulnerabilityto disease, discerning microevolutionary processes related to human disease and coevolution …
C Martin - Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2023 -
During the sixteenth century, Italian scholars revised their conception of the field of history so that its purposes went beyond providing political and morally edifying narratives. These …
Myths and Memories of the Black Death Page 1 Myths and Memories of the Black Death Ben Dodds Page 2 Myths and Memories of the Black Death Page 3 Ben Dodds Myths and …
CM Tresso - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2023 -
The famous Moroccan traveller Muḥammad b. Baṭṭūṭa, who left Tangier in 1325, claims to have made a journey that took him across most of the then Islamicate world. The country …
C Lynteris - Visual Plague, 2022 -
It is almost impossible to find a plague-related news item today that is not accompanied by an image of a rat. The best-known carriers of zoonotic diseases, rats are so closely identified …
Au cours des dix dernières années, l'anthropologie des épidémies s' est transformée en prenant au sérieux l'idée selon laquelle les maladies infectieuses «émergent», idée qui a …
This thesis examines the history of diphtheria in Ontario between 1880 and 1940. The purpose of this thesis is to look past the bacteriological excitement of the nineteenth century …