In this paper, a stand-alone application with graphical user interface (GUI) developed for monitoring AC induced corrosion expectancies of buried pipelines near a high voltage AC …
Alternating current interference from power transmission lines on nearby metallic pipelines has been a topic of research in the past years. Of particular interest is the induced voltage on …
Metallic pipelines are protected from induced corrosion by the application of coating and Cathodic Protection (CP) systems. The latter is achieved by keeping the pipeline at a …
The currents flowing through a transmission line produce a rotating magnetic field of vertical and horizontal components which are orthogonal in space and vary with time. Buried and …
M OUADAH, O TOUHAMI, R IBTIOUEN… - 2019 Algerian Large …, 2019 -
The aims of this paper are the diagnosis and the mitigation of the corrosion induced by the HVPTL onto the buried pipelines. To do this, firstly the magnetic field and the induced …