S Muslim, K Khotimah, AN Azhiimah - Rang Teknik Journal, 2020 - jurnal.umsb.ac.id
Electrical energy needs will continue to increase in line with the needs of the community, both on an industrial scale and the household in general. On the other hand the supply of …
IN Zhafarina, T Dewi… - VOLT: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2018 - jurnal.untirta.ac.id
The purpose of this research was to review the power output generated during the operation of the solar panels. Data that used to be taken of the Solar Power Plant or PLTS that operate …
Radiasi matahari global di Indonesia adalah 1700-1950 kWh/m2/tahun= 4, 66-5, 34 kWh/m2/hari. Sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya untuk memanfaatkan potensi energi matahari …
Indonesia merupakan negera yang memiliki sumber energi baru dan terbarukan yang belum dikembangkan secara optimal dan besar-besaran digali dan digunakan, terutama …
Devices that can convert sunlight energy to electrical energy with photovoltaic effect process made of semiconductors are better known as solar cells. Photovoltaic (PV) or better known …
PS Daya - Jurnal Crankshaft, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Energi surya merupakan salah satu sumber energy yang tersedia ada di alam. Energi surya juga merupakan energi yang tidak akan pernah habis. PLTS adalah sebuah alat …
EEFS Yohanes, EA Diniardi, MS Radian… - Journal of …, 2023 - jesty.pubmedia.id
The innovation of a lawn mower using a microcontroller based solar energy system combined with UV LED light as a microbe minimizer aims to increase the innovation of the …
I Wirajati, I Santosa, I Pramana… - Logic: Jurnal …, 2021 - repository.pnb.ac.id
Utilization of solar energy in Indonesia has begun to bloom. This is due to the fact that Indonesia is located at the equator where the sun is exposed all year round and is a very …