A tropical approach to enumerative geometry

EI Shustin - Алгебра и анализ, 2005 - mathnet.ru
" A detailed algebraic-geometric background is presented for the tropical ap proach to
enumeration of singular curves on toric surfaces, which consists of reducing the …

Plane curves of minimal degree with prescribed singularities

GM Greuel, C Lossen, E Shustin - arXiv preprint alg-geom/9704010, 1997 - arxiv.org
We prove that there exists a> 0 such that for any integer d> 2 and any topological types
S_1,..., S_n of plane curve singularities, satisfying $\mu (S_1)+...+\mu (S_n)\leq ad^ 2 …

Gluing of singular and critical points

E Shustin - Topology, 1998 - Elsevier
We suggest an approach to construction of algebraic hypersurfaces with given collection of
singular points and polynomials with given collection of critical points. The approach is …

[PDF][PDF] On linear systems of curves on rational scrolls

A Laface - arXiv preprint math/0205271, 2002 - arxiv.org
arXiv:math/0205271v2 [math.AG] 16 Mar 2010 Page 1 arXiv:math/0205271v2 [math.AG] 16

Constructing new ample divisors out of old ones

P Biran - 1999 - projecteuclid.org
1. Introduction. The main objective of this paper is to propose a method for constructing new
ample divisors on rational surfaces by gluing two given ones. Recall that a divisor D on an …

A tropical approach to enumerative geometry

E Shustin - St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, 2006 - ams.org
A detailed algebraic-geometric background is presented for the tropical approach to
enumeration of singular curves on toric surfaces, which consists of reducing the …

Singular points and limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields

I Itenberg, E Shustin - 2000 - projecteuclid.org
(2) Given a classification of singular points of planar vector fields, how many singular points
of each type can a vector field of degree d in R2 have? Our approach to these problems …

Geometry of families of nodal curves on the blown-up projective plane

GM Greuel, C Lossen, E Shustin - Transactions of the American …, 1998 - ams.org
Let $\mathbb P^ 2_r $ be the projective plane blown up at $ r $ generic points. Denote by $
E_0, E_1,\ldots, E_r $ the strict transform of a generic straight line on $\mathbb P^ 2$ and …

Castelnuovo function, zero-dimensional schemes and singular plane curves

GM Greuel, C Lossen, E Shustin - arXiv preprint math/9903179, 1999 - arxiv.org
We study families V of curves in P^ 2 of degree d having exactly r singular points of given
topological or analytic types. We derive new sufficient conditions for V to be T-smooth …

[PDF][PDF] Critical points of real polynomials, subdivisions of Newton polyhedra and topology of real algebraic hypersurfaces

E Shustin - Translations of the American Mathematical Society …, 1996 - researchgate.net
By means of the Viro method of gluing real polynomials, we construct polynomials with
prescribed collections of critical points. Using this technique, we solve the problem on the …