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The concept of civil society is open to diverse interpretations, which undoubtedly explains much of its popularity since the 1980s. 1 It has appeared in such contexts as the criticism …
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Introduction by the editors: This chapter provides an overview of Estonian civil society and its nongovernmental organizations (ngo s), highlighting, as do many other contributors to this …
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What happens if people from one country migrate to another, move frequently in between them, or live in several countries simultaneously? In recent years, transnationalism has …
Den moderna staten kan, enligt Max Weber, karaktäriseras av att den går igenom en utveckling där en egendomslös förvaltning exproprierar rester av suveränernas positioner …
Raport keskendub sellele, millised on vabaühenduste koostöövormid lähitulevikus, st kellega ja kuidas peaksid ühendused koostööd tegema, et oma eesmärke paremini …
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Raport keskendub sellele, millised on vabaühenduste koostöövormid lähitulevikus, st kellega ja kuidas peaksid ühendused koostööd tegema, et oma eesmärke paremini …