Advancing formative measurement models

A Diamantopoulos, P Riefler, KP Roth - Journal of business research, 2008 - Elsevier
Formative measurement models were first introduced in the literature more than forty years
ago and the discussion about their methodological contribution has been increasing since …

Incorporating formative measures into covariance-based structural equation models

A Diamantopoulos - MIS quarterly, 2011 - JSTOR
Formatively measured constructs have been increasingly used in information systems
research. With few exceptions, however, extant studies have been relying on the partial least …

Die Kausalanalyse in der empirischen betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung-Problemfelder und Anwendungsempfehlungen

C Homburg, M Klarmann - Reihe …, 2006 -
Als erste und bislang einzige Methode erlaubt die Kausalanalyse die Analyse von
komplexen Abhängigkeitsstrukturen bei gleichzeitiger Berücksichtigung der Problematik …

Was unterscheidet harte und weiche Strukturgleichungsmodelle nun wirklich? Ein Klärungsversuch zur LISREL-PLS-Frage

J Scholderer, I Balderjahn - Marketing, 2006 -
Structural equation modeling has developed into a standard application in marketing.
However, researchers are divided into two camps: proponents of a" hard", parametric …

[图书][B] Akzeptanz von Elektromobilität: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Modells unter Berücksichtigung der Nutzungsform des Carsharing

L Fazel - 2014 -
​ In der Automobilindustrie werden der Elektromobilität große Chancen zugeschrieben,
mittelfristig eine ökonomisch umsetzbare Alternative zu Verbrennungsmotoren darzustellen …

Knowledge management success factors — proposal of an empirical research

F Lehner, N Haas - Electronic Journal of Knowledge …, 2010 -
It is widely accepted that knowledge management is a critical success factor for enterprises.
Not yet known sufficiently are the factors, which influence the success of knowledge …

[图书][B] Kundenintegration in den Dienstleistungsprozess: eine verhaltenswissenschaftliche Untersuchung

M Büttgen - 2007 -
Marion Büttgen analysiert, worin eine leistungsgerechte Kundenbeteiligung zum Ausdruck
kommt, durch welche Faktoren sie beeinflusst wird und wie Anbieter darauf hinwirken …

Antecedents of innovation and growth: analysing the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and goal-oriented management

R Harms, CH Reschke, S Kraus… - International Journal of …, 2010 -
For technology-oriented SME, innovation and growth are important aspects of firm
performance. A strategic orientation that emphasises entrepreneurial behaviour …

[图书][B] Degrees of belief

F Huber, C Schmidt-Petri - 2009 - Springer
The idea that belief comes in degrees is based on the observation that we are more certain
of some things than of others. Various theories try to give accounts of how measures of this …

Project managers' overconfidence: how is risk reflected in anticipated project success?

G Fabricius, M Büttgen - Business Research, 2015 - Springer
Projects tend to exceed planned timelines and budgets. One reason may be that potential
project risks are insufficiently reflected in anticipations of project success. Furthermore …