This is one of the few studies on food habits of armadillos and anteaters in the Caatinga, Brazil. Our aim was to describe food items found in fecal and stomach samples of six …
ALJ Desbiez, D Kluyber… - Boletim do Museu …, 2022 -
Xenarthra contém duas ordens, seis famílias, 14 gêneros e 38 espécies viventes. A ordem Cingulata (tatus) representa 22 das espécies de xenartros e seis destas são encontradas no …
To understand the growth and reproduction of the palm Geonoma schottiana in the gallery forest of Central Brazil, two hypotheses were raised:(i) production of leaves and reproductive …
A Feijó - Mammalian Species, 2020 -
Dasypus septemcinctus, commonly called the seven-banded armadillo, is the smallest species of the genus Dasypus, with 6–7 movable bands and a flattened dorsal profile of the …
In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the Dense Humid Forest is reduced to less than 5% of its original cover. However, it still has the highest richness of palms in this state, which …
Plant populations can respond to temporal environmental heterogeneity caused by natural disturbances, such as herbivory. Palm individuals of several species are preyed upon by …
Although palms play an important ecological role in tropical forests, characteristics related to their germinative niche remain largely unknown. We evaluated the seed germination …
GD Stumm, JA Gallo, AM Abba, EM González - 2023 -
La alimentación de la mulita pampeana es poco conocida. En la presente nota se revisaron 15 heces obtenidas en 1997 en Florida, Uruguay. Las mismas se pesaron, se disgregaron …
Butia capitata ou coquinho-azedo é uma palmeira que ocorre em grandes manchas populacionais em áreas remanescentes de cerrado no norte de Minas Gerais. Seus frutos …