@ $#*%! Our most taboo word and how the law keeps it forbidden. This entertaining read is about the word" fuck", the law, and the taboo. Whether you shout it out in the street or …
Oh fuck. Let's just get this out of the way. You'll find no f-word, f* ck, f—k,@ $!%, or other sanitized version used here. 1 This is quite a* Associate Professor of Law, The Ohio State …
Building on the insights of both disability studies and civil rights scholars, Mark C. Weber frames his examination of disability harassment on the premise that disabled people are …
While copyright law is ordinarily thought to consist primarily of exclusive rights, the regime's various exemptions and immunities from liability for copyright infringement form an integral …
The law of sexual harassment is constantly evolving, and the number of sexual harassment claims is dramatically on the rise. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Fourth Edition, is a …
Far more than a" mere offensive utterance," the word" nigger" is pure anathema to African- Americans." Perhaps no single act can more quickly alter the conditions of employment and …
EA Keller, JB Tracy - Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y, 2008 - HeinOnline
Lower federal courts often fail to provide plaintiffs in sexual harassment cases the relief intended by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and mandated by the Supreme Court …
Imagine that you are a waitress and bartender at a country club.'After a long day of work, one of your customers offers you a position at a large corporation that you cannot refuse.(If you …
E Dannin - Members-only Library, 2017 - lerawebillinois.web.illinois.edu
Many, but not all, state courts have developed the employment tort of wrongful discharge. These take various forms but normally include protections for whistle blowers; protections for …