Many green school frameworks exist for guiding schools toward sustainable choices. Some global standards and global green school rating systems are similar to green school rating …
Suspended Sediment transport in the Northern Waters of Aceh is investigated in the domains between 5.4°-5.65° N Latitude and 95.15°-95.45° E. Therefore, this study aims to …
The integration of biodiversity knowledge with management needs in coastal protected ecosystems is a current challenge that requires a social-ecological perspective, especially in …
The growth of marine aquaculture over the 21st century is a promising venture for food security because of its potential to fulfill the seafood deficit in the future. However, to …
The potential of Indonesia's coastal and marine areas is mainly based on both capture and aquaculture resources. This necessitates the need for development of aquaculture suitable …
Marine aquaculture is the most rapidly growing food sector and has great potential for expansion as part of a sustainable vision for seafood production in the future. Marine spatial …
A series of experiments was conducted on O'ahu, Moloka'i and Hawai'i Islands to examine specific factors that contribute to the feasibility of oyster culture for the state of Hawai'i. Two …
BINGO project is providing practical knowledge and adaptation measures to water managers, decision and policy-makers affected by climate change (CC). This work carried …
The growth of marine aquaculture over the 21st century is a promising venture for food security because of its potential to fulfill the seafood deficit in the future. However, to …