Package for a light emitting element

T Murphy, AA Hase, M Heschel - US Patent 8,044,412, 2011 - Google Patents
5,981,945 5,981,979 5,985,696 5.990. 497 5.999, 151 6,054,716 6,060,729 6,066,861
6,084.252 6,091,078 6,091,084 6,155.699 6,169,295 6,184,544 6,219,074 6,225,139 6.242 …

Method of forming a metal contact and passivation of a semiconductor feature

T Jinghua, EL Lim, SJ Chua - US Patent 7,598,104, 2009 - Google Patents
US7598104B2 - Method of forming a metal contact and passivation of a semiconductor feature -
Google Patents US7598104B2 - Method of forming a metal contact and passivation of a …

Light emitting devices with high light collimation

AA Erchak, E Lidorikis, C Luo - US Patent 7,098,589, 2006 - Google Patents
Light-emitting devices, and related components, systems and methods are disclosed. The
light-emitting device can include a multi-layer stack of materials and a Support. The multi …

Photonic crystal light emitting device

JJ Wierer Jr, MR Krames, MM Sigalas - US Patent 7,012,279, 2006 - Google Patents
(73) Assignees: Lumileds Lighting US, LLC, San WO WO 2004/034025 A2 4/2004 Jose, CA
(US); Agilent Technologies, WO WO 2004/038767 A2 5/2004 Inc., Palo Alto, CA (US) …

Light emitting devices with improved extraction efficiency

AA Erchak, E Lidorikis, C Luo - US Patent 6,831,302, 2004 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND A light emitting diode (LED) often can provide light in a more efficient
manner than an incandescent light source and/or a fluorescent light source. The relatively …

Laser liftoff structure and related methods

F Yun - US Patent 8,110,425, 2012 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND A light-emitting diode (LED) can often provide light in a more efficient
manner than an incandescent light source and/or a fluorescent light source. The relatively …

Light emitting diodes with current spreading layer

HL Lin, Q Du, HS Lee - US Patent 6,958,494, 2005 - Google Patents
A light-emitting diode (LED) for both AlGaInP-and GaN-based materials needs a good
transparent current spreading layer to disseminate electrons or holes from the electrode to …

Light emitting device methods

A Erchak, J Graff, M Brown, S Duncan… - US Patent App. 10 …, 2004 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003) A light emitting diode (LED) often can provide light in a more efficient
manner than an incandescent light Source and/or a fluorescent light Source. The relatively …

Light extraction film for organic light emitting diode display devices

JE Potts, FB McCormick, MB Wolk, JY Zhang, TL Smith… - 2009 - Google Patents

Light extraction film for organic light emitting diode display and lighting devices

JE Potts, FB McCormick, MB Wolk, JY Zhang… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
6,217,984 B1 4/2001 Bruxvoort et al. 6,252,253 B1 6, 2001 Bao et al. 6,278,237 B1 8/2001
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