We consider the limiting j 3→∞ case of the elliptic Gaudin-type model in an external magnetic field [13],[14],[15],[17],[27] and of the elliptic BCS-Richardon model with one type of …
We establish the most general class of spin-1/2 integrable Richardson-Gaudin models including an arbitrary magnetic field, returning a fully anisotropic (XYZ) model. The …
In this article we make a brief review of the generalized Gaudin spin chains with [21] and without [18],[19] external magnetic field in the simplest case of g= so (3) and provide the r …
In the present paper we develop the algebraic Bethe ansatz approach to the case of non- skew-symmetric gl (2)⊗ gl (2)-valued Cartan-non-invariant classical r-matrices with spectral …
We investigate the ground-state energy of a Richardson-Gaudin integrable BCS model, generalizing the closed and open p+ ip models. The Hamiltonian supports a family of …
FK Wen, K Hao - Chinese Physics B, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The U (1) symmetry of the XXZ central spin model with an arbitrary central magnetic field B is broken, since its total spin in the z-direction is not conserved. We obtain the exact solutions …
A Faribault, H Koussir, MH Mohamed - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
In this work, we study the full set of eigenstates of apx+ ipy topological superconductor coupled to a particle bath, which can be described in terms of an integrable Hamiltonian of …
We present a comprehensive treatment of the non-periodic trigonometric s ℓ (2) Gaudin model with triangular boundary, with an emphasis on specific freedom found in the local …
A major challenge in the field of condensed matter physics is to harness the quantum mechanical properties of atomic systems coupled to large environments. Thermal …