The interplay between gait, falls and cognition: can cognitive therapy reduce fall risk?

O Segev-Jacubovski, T Herman… - Expert review of …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we briefly summarize the incidence and significant consequences of falls
among older adults, the insufficient effectiveness of commonly used multifactorial …

Fall-related psychological concerns and anxiety among community-dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis

MC Payette, C Belanger, V Léveillé, S Grenier - PLoS one, 2016 -
Fear of falling and other fall-related psychological concerns (FRPCs), such as falls-efficacy
and balance confidence, are highly prevalent among community-dwelling older adults …

Executive function and falls in older adults: new findings from a five-year prospective study link fall risk to cognition

A Mirelman, T Herman, M Brozgol, M Dorfman… - PloS one, 2012 -
Background Recent findings suggest that executive function (EF) plays a critical role in the
regulation of gait in older adults, especially under complex and challenging conditions, and …

Executive control deficits as a prodrome to falls in healthy older adults: a prospective study linking thinking, walking, and falling

T Herman, A Mirelman, N Giladi… - … Series A: Biomedical …, 2010 -
Background. Executive function (EF) deficits may increase fall risk, even among older adults
with no overt cognitive impairment. Indeed, the effects of dual tasking (DT) on gait, a …

Determinants of disparities between perceived and physiological risk of falling among elderly people: cohort study

K Delbaere, JCT Close, H Brodaty, P Sachdev… - Bmj, 2010 -
Objectives To gain an understanding of elderly people's fear of falling by exploring the
prevalence and determinants of perceived and physiological fall risk and to understand the …

A multifactorial approach to understanding fall risk in older people

K Delbaere, JCT Close, J Heim… - Journal of the …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
OBJECTIVE: To identify the interrelationships and discriminatory value of a broad range of
objectively measured explanatory risk factors for falls. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study …

A randomized controlled pilot study of home-based step training in older people using videogame technology

D Schoene, SR Lord, K Delbaere, C Severino… - PloS one, 2013 -
Background Stepping impairments are associated with physical and cognitive decline in
older adults and increased fall risk. Exercise interventions can reduce fall risk, but …

The role of cognitive and visual abilities as predictors in the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety

KJ Anstey, MS Horswill, JM Wood, C Hatherly - Accident Analysis & …, 2012 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVE: The current study evaluated part of the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety to
elucidate the relative importance of cognitive function and a limited range of standard …

Association between chronic diseases and falls among a sample of older people in Finland

M Immonen, M Haapea, H Similä, H Enwald… - BMC geriatrics, 2020 - Springer
Background Falls are a major problem for older people and recurrent fallers are especially
prone to severe consequences due to falls. This study investigated the association between …

The development and validation of a brief performance-based fall risk assessment tool for use in primary care

A Tiedemann, SR Lord… - Journals of Gerontology …, 2010 -
Background. To report the development, external validity, reliability, and feasibility of a falls
risk assessment tool for use in primary care. Methods. Two prospective cohort studies, a test …