DV Mykhalevskiy - Journal of applied research and technology, 2020 - scielo.org.mx
The rapid spread of 802.11 wireless technologies and the emergence of a significant number of networks leads to a large number of negative factors that can significantly impair …
DV Mykhalevskiy - Journal of the Balkan Tribological …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
One of the common channel-building technologies, which includes the function to quickly deploy local area networks in corporate and home sectors, easy connection of user …
ВС Чернега - Таврический научный обозреватель, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Проведен анализ способов повышения пропускной способности WiFi сетей стандартов IEEE 802.11 b, g, n, функционирующих в инфраструктурном режиме. Получены …
Spectrum allocation is a major challenge in wireless ad hoc networks due to restrictions on the number of available communication channels and also passive approaches to channel …
When the data packets transferred in duplex directions from part A to part B, and the data arrives at B, instead to sending a control frame from B to A, receiver B waits until the network …