Semantic models for the first-stage retrieval: A comprehensive review

J Guo, Y Cai, Y Fan, F Sun, R Zhang… - ACM Transactions on …, 2022 -
Multi-stage ranking pipelines have been a practical solution in modern search systems,
where the first-stage retrieval is to return a subset of candidate documents and latter stages …

Information retrieval: recent advances and beyond

KA Hambarde, H Proenca - IEEE Access, 2023 -
This paper provides an extensive and thorough overview of the models and techniques
utilized in the first and second stages of the typical information retrieval processing chain …

A proposed conceptual framework for a representational approach to information retrieval

J Lin - ACM SIGIR Forum, 2022 -
This paper outlines a conceptual framework for understanding recent developments in
information retrieval and natural language processing that attempts to integrate dense and …

Integrating and evaluating neural word embeddings in information retrieval

G Zuccon, B Koopman, P Bruza… - Proceedings of the 20th …, 2015 -
Recent advances in neural language models have contributed new methods for learning
distributed vector representations of words (also called word embeddings). Two such …

Towards axiomatic explanations for neural ranking models

M Völske, A Bondarenko, M Fröbe, B Stein… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Recently, neural networks have been successfully employed to improve upon state-of-the-
art effectiveness in ad-hoc retrieval tasks via machine-learned ranking functions. While …

Retrieving product features and opinions from customer reviews

L García-Moya, H Anaya-Sánchez… - IEEE Intelligent …, 2013 -
A new methodology based on language models retrieves product features and opinions
from a collection of free-text customer reviews about a product or service. The proposal …

Case law retrieval: problems, methods, challenges and evaluations in the last 20 years

D Locke, G Zuccon - arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.07209, 2022 -
Case law retrieval is the retrieval of judicial decisions relevant to a legal question. Case law
retrieval comprises a significant amount of a lawyer's time, and is important to ensure …

An axiomatic approach to diagnosing neural IR models

D Rennings, F Moraes, C Hauff - … Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019 …, 2019 - Springer
Traditional retrieval models such as BM25 or language models have been engineered
based on search heuristics that later have been formalized into axioms. The axiomatic …

Axiomatic result re-ranking

M Hagen, M Völske, S Göring, B Stein - … of the 25th ACM International on …, 2016 -
We consider the problem of re-ranking the top-k documents returned by a retrieval system
given some search query. This setting is common to learning-to-rank scenarios, and it is …

Kullback-leibler divergence revisited

F Raiber, O Kurland - Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR international …, 2017 -
Thee KL divergence is the most commonly used measure for comparing query and
document language models in the language modeling framework to ad hoc retrieval. Since …