JD Crall, NE Raine - Advances in Insect Physiology, 2023 - Elsevier
Neonicotinoid insecticides are among the most widely used agrochemicals globally. Given the critical importance of bees for biodiversity, crop productivity, and human health, recent …
One method of crop protection is the application of a widely used group of pesticides— pyrethroids. As xenobiotics, sub-lethal doses of insecticides cause stress in pests, resulting …
Ants as Model Organism to Evaluate the Ecological Risk of Active Plant Protection Substances? Lethal and Sublethal Effects of th Page 1 Ants as Model Organism to Evaluate …
Abstract Die Berichte über Insektenverluste nehmen weltweit zu. Obwohl Herbizide-wie Glyphosat-als nicht schädlich für Insekten gelten, gibt es Hinweise auf Auswirkungen auf …