We report an experiment where each subject's ambiguity sensitivity is measured by an ambiguity premium, a concept analogous to and comparable with a risk premium. In our …
A Berger, A Tymula - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2022 - Springer
The illusion of control occurs when individuals believe that exerting objectively meaningless control over pure chance events increases their probability of success. In economics, the …
E André, A Bommier, F Le Grand - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2022 - Springer
We analyze the impact of risk aversion and ambiguity aversion on the competing demands for annuities and bequeathable savings using a lifecycle recursive utility model. Our main …
M Bassanin, E Faia, V Patella - Journal of International Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Financial crises originate in debt markets, where beliefs formation about asset values affects the value of collateral, hence the leverage cycles. We introduce novel state-contingent …
Résumé Cette thèse comporte une série de quatre papiers et d'une note de recherche, aux thématiques diverses. La première partie vise à montrer les possibilités offertes par les …
M Bassanin, E Faia, V Patella - 2018 - imfs-frankfurt.de
Financial crises often originate in debt markets, where collateral constraints and opacity of asset values are the norm. In such ambiguous contexts endogenous beliefs formation is …
Using the data from large representative surveys fielded in the United States and Netherlands, this thesis aims to examine the impacts of financial literacy on real-world …
This thesis consists in three essays that study the linkages between real and financial factors from different perspectives. Chapter 1, co-authored with Ester Faia and Valeria Patella …