Theory of thermoluminescence

AJJ Bos - Radiation measurements, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the physics of the phenomenon of thermoluminescence (TL) related to
dosimetric applications. Basic concepts are given using the one trap—one recombination …

Highlights and pitfalls of 20 years of application of computerised glow curve analysis to thermoluminescence research and dosimetry

YS Horowitz, M Moscovitch - Radiation protection dosimetry, 2013 -
The technical and dosimetric aspects of computerised glow curve analysis are described in
detail including a review of the current 'state-of-the-achieved'in applications to …

Theory of heavy charged particle response (efficiency and supralinearity) in TL materials

YS Horowitz, O Avila, M Rodriguez-Villafuerte - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2001 - Elsevier
We describe the theory of heavy charged particle (HCP) response (efficiency and
supralinearity) in thermoluminescent (TL) materials. The HCP TL relative efficiency is treated …

Theory of thermoluminescence gamma dose response: The unified interaction model

YS Horowitz - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research …, 2001 - Elsevier
We describe the development of a comprehensive theory of thermoluminescence (TL) dose
response, the unified interaction model (UNIM). The UNIM is based on both radiation …

The saga of the thermoluminescence (TL) mechanisms and dosimetric characteristics of LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100)

YS Horowitz, L Oster, I Eliyahu - Journal of Luminescence, 2019 - Elsevier
This review summarizes the efforts of the TL research community over the past few decades,
and in particular the efforts of the “Needle in the Haystack” group at the Sami Shamoon …

Thermoluminescent microparticle thermal history sensors

JJ Talghader, ML Mah, EG Yukihara… - Microsystems & …, 2016 -
While there are innumerable devices that measure temperature, the nonvolatile
measurement of thermal history is far more difficult, particularly for sensors embedded in …

On the energy conversion in thermoluminescence dosimetry materials

AJJ Bos - Radiation measurements, 2001 - Elsevier
A model allowing theoretical prediction of the maximum possible energy conversion
efficiency of a thermoluminescence (TL) material has been described. The model is based …

A critical look at the kinetic models of thermoluminescence—II. Non-first order kinetics

CM Sunta, WEF Ayta, JFD Chubaci… - Journal of Physics D …, 2004 -
Non-first order (FO) kinetics models are of three types; second order (SO), general order
(GO) and mixed order (MO). It is shown that all three of these have constraints in their energy …

Localized transitions in the thermoluminescence of LiF: Mg, Ti: potential for nanoscale dosimetry

YS Horowitz, L Oster, S Biderman… - Journal of Physics D …, 2003 -
We describe the effect of nanoscale spatially coupled trapping centre (TC)–luminescent
centre (LC) pairs on the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of LiF: Mg, Ti. It is shown that …

A kinetic model incorporating both localized and delocalized recombination: application to the dependence of the TL dose response on photon energy

I Eliyahu, YS Horowitz, L Oster, I Mardor - Journal of luminescence, 2014 - Elsevier
A conduction band/valence band kinetic model for thermoluminescence (TL) dose response
is described which incorporates both localized and delocalized recombination mechanisms …