The relationship of word order and clausal structures with meaning, literary style, and authorial considerations in New Testament Greek is an often underdeveloped yet important …
This enquiry discusses the potential of a large number of linguistic theories, approaches, concepts etc. from Plato to usage-based linguistics for the understanding of the tense system …
In this study, I carry out a conceptual replication study of Stephen Levinsohn's recent approach to copula+ participle constructions (“periphrasis”) on a corpus of texts from the …
On October 13, 2021, the first copy of the new Dutch translation of the Bible (NBV21) was presented to Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands, in The Hague. It is a completely …
Stanley E. Porter's suggestions for the perfect tense-form have challenged traditional understandings of the perfect. The traditional understanding is that the perfect is chosen to …
Besides its typical imperfective functions, the Greek imperfect appears to be used also in perfective contexts, where an aorist indicative would seem more appropriate. This …
This enquiry discusses the potential of a large number of linguistic theories, approaches, concepts etc. from Plato to usage-based linguistics for the understanding of the tense system …