Understanding and enhancing the public's behavioural response to flood warning information

DJ Parker, SJ Priest, SM Tapsell - … Applications: A journal of …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Drawing on evidence from the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe, this paper
explores how people have responded to flood warning information and how these …

How to get there? Assessing motorists' flash flood risk perception on daily itineraries

I Ruin, JC Gaillard, C Lutoff - Environmental hazards, 2007 - Elsevier
Flash floods are characterized by their suddenness, fast and violent movement, rarity, small
scale but high level of damage. They are particularly difficult to forecast accurately and there …

Advances and challenges in flash flood warnings

S Drobot, DJ Parker - Environmental Hazards, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Advances in meteorological, hydrological and engineering sciences are fast generating a
range of new methodologies for forecasting weather and flood events, including ensemble …

Dynamic vulnerability factors for impact-based flash flood prediction

G Terti, I Ruin, S Anquetin, JJ Gourley - Natural hazards, 2015 - Springer
Social vulnerability explains the sociological and human-dependent circumstances that
translate a natural event into a deadly disaster. But, what are the space–time characteristics …

A comparative analysis of the loss of life during two recent floods in France: the sea surge caused by the storm Xynthia and the flash flood in Var

F Vinet, D Lumbroso, S Defossez, L Boissier - Natural hazards, 2012 - Springer
This paper aims to analyse and compare the loss of life that occurred during two recent
floods in France. The first flood was due to a sea surge triggered by the storm called Xynthia …

[HTML][HTML] Social and hydrological responses to extreme precipitations: An interdisciplinary strategy for postflood investigation

I Ruin, C Lutoff, B Boudevillain… - … climate, and society, 2014 - journals.ametsoc.org
Social and Hydrological Responses to Extreme Precipitations: An Interdisciplinary Strategy
for Postflood Investigation in: Weather, Climate, and Society Volume 6 Issue 1 (2014) Jump …

[PDF][PDF] La vulnérabilité, un concept fondamental au cœur des méthodes d'évaluation des risques naturels

F Leone, F Vinet - La vulnérabilité des sociétés et des territoires …, 2006 - researchgate.net
L'évaluation des risques implique par définition de considérer à la fois les aléas, les enjeux
exposés et leurs vulnérabilités. Depuis une dizaine d'année le concept de vulnérabilité fait …

Effective project management approach to attain project success, based on cost-time-quality

C Zid, N Kasim, AR Soomro - International Journal of …, 2020 - inderscienceonline.com
The project management has been described as managing resources on a given activity of
an organisation unit dedicated in order to meet the attainment of a goal and successful …

[HTML][HTML] La mortalité comme expression de la vulnérabilité humaine face aux catastrophes naturelles: deux inondations récentes en France (Xynthia, Var, 2010)

F Vinet, L Boissier, S Defossez - VertigO-la revue …, 2011 - journals.openedition.org
À partir de deux cas d'inondations récentes qui ont fait respectivement 41 et 26 morts en
France en 2010, cet article examine le profil des victimes et les circonstances de décès des …

[PDF][PDF] Human vulnerability to flash floods: Addressing physical exposure and behavioural questions

I Ruin, JD Creutin, S Anquetin, E Gruntfest… - Flood risk management …, 2009 - academia.edu
Flash floods surprise people in the midst of their daily activities because they are sudden.
They, particularly strike people traveling. For each catastrophe, up to half of the deaths are …