RI Kusumah - Jurnal Kesehatan Indra Husada, 2022 - ojs.stikesindramayu.ac.id
The number of mental disorders every year has increased very significantly and continues to grow. Schizophrenia is a chronic psychotic disorder that has an impact not only on the …
People with mental disorders experience an increase every year so that it becomes a global issue that requires attention in handling. The problem that often occurs in people with mental …
Ruang perawatan Intensive (ICU) adalah bagian dari rumah sakit dengan kategori pelayanan kritis, selain instalasi bedah dan instalasi gawat darurat. Pemberian perawatan …
Anak yang terdiagnosis talasemia akan menjalani transfusi darah yang dilakukan berulang, teratur dan rutin. Transfusi darah akan menyebabkan efek samping psikososial salah …
Families caring for people with schizophrenia will face various emotional expressions because of the challenges and struggles that are very taxing on the family's psychology. The …