Social data in digital form—including user-generated content, expressed or implicit relations between people, and behavioral traces—are at the core of popular applications and …
Algorithms are ubiquitous and critical sources of information online, increasingly acting as gatekeepers for users accessing or sharing information about virtually any topic, including …
An introduction to the intellectual foundations and practical utility of the recent work on fairness and machine learning. Fairness and Machine Learning introduces advanced …
Recommendation, information retrieval, and other information access systems pose unique challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …
Rankings of people and items are at the heart of selection-making, match-making, and recommender systems, ranging from employment sites to sharing economy platforms. As …
Two-sided marketplaces are platforms that have customers not only on the demand side (eg users), but also on the supply side (eg retailer, artists). While traditional recommender …
We introduce the concept of expected exposure as the average attention ranked items receive from users over repeated samples of the same query. Furthermore, we advocate for …
In the research literature, evaluations of recommender system effectiveness typically report results over a given data set, providing an aggregate measure of effectiveness over each …
Prior research on exposure fairness in the context of recommender systems has focused mostly on disparities in the exposure of individual or groups of items to individual users of …