To analyse very high dimensional data, or large data volumes, we study random projection. Since hierarchically clustered data can be scaled in one dimension, seriation or …
A Lohk, L Võhandu - Man-Machine Interactions 3, 2014 - Springer
Many ontologies and WordNet type dictionaries have been created with different interactive tools using specalists semantic knowledge to model complicated relational structures. All …
A Lohk, H Orav, L Vohandu - Proceedings of the Seventh Global …, 2014 -
This paper proposes some test-patterns (viewed as sub-structures) to evaluate the hierarchical structure of wordnets. By observing hierarchical structure, both top-down and …
F Murtagh, P Contreras - Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2016 - Elsevier
Reading the clusters from a data set such that the overall computational complexity is linear in both data dimensionality and in the number of data elements has been carried out …