Tarekat tasawuf has been established in Negeri Sembilan since 1900 and began to strengthen its existence in spiritual activities such as the implementation of zikr tarekat …
FNM Shukri, MSZ Abidin - … Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN …, 2023 - bitarajournal.com
Abstract Filem Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan telah menjadi satu fenomena pada tahun 2022 apabila berjaya mendapat hasil kutipan melebihi 97 juta, bahkan ditayangkan di …
NS Othman, MM Zabidi, AFM Zabidi… - al-Qanatir: International …, 2024 - al-qanatir.com
The concept of Ihsan is an essential component in the discourse of Sufism for the formation of an individual's soul and spirituality. Ihsan, in this context, refers to performing acts of …
This study aims to discuss Theosufistic Thought Concept of Imam Ghazali in aqidah. In general, public's understanding of the concept of theosufistic thinking is still low and this is …
The development of internal aspects is the core of efforts to educate people as a whole. In the context of higher education, a balanced effort in developing cognitive, affective and …
Bidang keusahawanan dilihat sebagai satu kerjaya yang berpotensi untuk mengatasi masalah pengangguran. Pelbagai usaha telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak berkepentingan …