An overview of approaches for content-based medical image retrieval

P Das, A Neelima - International journal of multimedia information retrieval, 2017 - Springer
Medical imaging performs a vital role in the medical field as it provides important information
on the internal body parts for the clinical analysis and medical intervention which enables …

[HTML][HTML] Relevance feedback for enhancing content based image retrieval and automatic prediction of semantic image features: Application to bone tumor radiographs

I Banerjee, C Kurtz, AE Devorah, B Do… - Journal of biomedical …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background The majority of current medical CBIR systems perform retrieval based only on
“imaging signatures” generated by extracting pixel-level quantitative features, and only …

Medical information retrieval: introduction to the special issue

L Goeuriot, GJF Jones, L Kelly, H Müller… - Information Retrieval …, 2016 - Springer
Medical information search refers to methodologies and technologies that seek to improve
access to medical information archives via a process of information retrieval (IR). Such …

[图书][B] Information retrieval: a biomedical and health perspective

W Hersh, W Hersh, Weston - 2020 - Springer
The main goal of this book is to provide an understanding of the theory, implementation, and
evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems in biomedicine and health. There is already a …

[PDF][PDF] Searching data: A review of observational data retrieval practices

K Gregory, P Groth, H Cousijn… - Journal of the …, 2017 -
A cross-disciplinary examination of the user behaviours involved in seeking and evaluating
data is surprisingly absent from the research data discussion. This review explores the data …

A multimodal search engine for medical imaging studies

E Pinho, T Godinho, F Valente, C Costa - Journal of digital imaging, 2017 - Springer
The use of digital medical imaging systems in healthcare institutions has increased
significantly, and the large amounts of data in these systems have led to the conception of …

A novel method for objective selection of information sources using multi-kernel SVM and local scaling

HJ Areiza-Laverde, AE Castro-Ospina, ML Hernández… - Sensors, 2020 -
Advancement on computer and sensing technologies has generated exponential growth in
the data available for the development of systems that support decision-making in fields …

Extensible architecture for multimodal information retrieval in medical imaging archives

E Pinho, C Costa - … Conference on Signal-Image Technology & …, 2016 -
The challenge of medical information retrieval has attracted significant attention since the
introduction of digital imaging in hospitals and other health facilities. Given the huge growth …

Medical social networks content mining for a semantic annotation

MG Ayadi, R Bouslimi, J Akaichi - Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2022 - Springer
The interactions between subscribers of the health-related social networking (HSN s)
platforms rise the production and sharing of a huge amount of multimedia content, daily, by …

Volumetric feature learning for query-by-example in medical imaging archives

E Pinho, JF Silva, C Costa - 2019 IEEE 32nd International …, 2019 -
The increasing challenges and requirements of medical image retrieval systems are leading
the scientific community towards exploring modern representation methods as a means to …