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51) Int. C also can include additional fields for femto cell access man (51) his4/0 2009. O1 agement based on desired complexity. White list (s) can have (. 01) associated white list …
KD Huber, JJ Flynn, WG Mansfield - US Patent 8,082,353, 2011 - Google Patents
System (s) and method (s) provide access management to femto cell service through access control list (s)(eg, white list (s), or black list (s)). White list (s) includes a set of sub scriber …
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Among other things, a communication system comprising remote units, a reference timing source, a controller, a controller clock, and a remote unit clock. The remote units exchange …
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USC 154 (b) by 820 days.(Continued) This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- OTHER PUBLICATIONS claimer. Kaul.“Verizon's $250 femto box—A deliberate ploy behind the …