Brain-inspired architectures are gaining increased attention, especially for edge devices to perform cognitive tasks utilizing its limited energy budget and computing resources …
GL Mullen, D Panario - 2013 -
The CRC Handbook of Finite Fields (hereafter referred to as the Handbook) is a reference book for the theory and applications of finite fields. It is not intended to be an introductory …
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date description of the methodologies and the application areas, throughout the range of digital communication, in which individual signals …
Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications, Second Edition is designed to be a comprehensive reference for the use of Boolean functions in modern cryptography. While …
In Hadamard Matrices and Their Applications, KJ Horadam provides the first unified account of cocyclic Hadamard matrices and their applications in signal and data processing. This …
TEDS-M 2008, die Teacher Education and Development Study der IEA, ist die erste internationale Vergleichsstudie, die Ergebnisse des tertiären Bildungsbereichs systematisch …
TEDS-M 2008, die IEA-Studie Teacher Education and Development: Learning to Teach Mathematics, ist die erste internationale Vergleichsstudie, die Ergebnisse des tertiären …
Marketing Research Methods in SAS discusses experimental design, discrete choice, conjoint analysis, and graphical and perceptual mapping techniques. The book has grown …
W Tadej, K Życzkowski - Open Systems & Information Dynamics, 2006 - Springer
Complex Hadamard matrices, consisting of unimodular entries with arbitrary phases, play an important role in the theory of quantum information. We review basic properties of complex …