Rewrite systems

N Dershowitz, JP Jouannaud - Formal models and semantics, 1990 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on rewrite systems, which are directed equations
used to compute by repeatedly replacing sub-terms of a given formula with equal terms until …

[HTML][HTML] The integration of functions into logic programming: From theory to practice

M Hanus - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1994 - Elsevier
Functional and logic programming are the most important declarative programming
paradigms, and interest in combining them has grown over the last decade. Early research …

Completeness results for basic narrowing

A Middeldorp, E Hamoen - Applicable Algebra in Engineering …, 1994 - Springer
In this paper we analyze completeness results for basic narrowing. We show that basic
narrowing is not complete with respect to normalizable solutions for equational theories …

Logic programming with functions and predicates: The language BABEL

JJ Moreno-Navarro, M Rodriguez-Artalejo - The Journal of Logic …, 1992 - Elsevier
We investigate the experimental programming language BABEL, designed to achieve
integration of functional programming (as embodied in HOPE, Standard ML, or MIRANDA) …

[图书][B] Foundations of equational logic programming

S Hölldobler - 1989 - Springer
We already presented two ways of handling equality within first order theories: First, by
giving an explicit set of first-order axioms and, second, by replacing the unification algorithm …

Kernel-LEAF: A logic plus functional language

E Giovannetti, G Levi, C Moiso… - Journal of Computer and …, 1991 - Elsevier
Kernel-LEAF is a logic plus functional language based on the flattening technique. It differs
from other similar languages because it is able to cope with partial (undefined or non …

Computing with rewrite systems

N Dershowitz - Information and Control, 1985 - Elsevier
Term-rewriting systems, that is, sets of directed equations, provide a paradigm of
computation with particularly simple syntax and semantics. Rewrite systems may be used for …

Test sets generation from algebraic specifications using logic programming

L Bougé, N Choquet, L Fribourg, MC Gaudel - Journal of Systems and …, 1986 - Elsevier
We present a method and a tool for generating test sets from algebraic data type
specifications. We give formal definitions of the basic concepts required in our approach of …

A rationale for conditional equational programming

N Dershowitz, M Okada - Theoretical Computer Science, 1990 - Elsevier
Conditional equations provide a paradigm of computation that combines the clean syntax
and semantics of LISP-like functional programming with Prolog-like logic programming in a …

The relation between logic and functional languages: a survey

M Bellia, G Levi - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1986 - Elsevier
The paper considers different methods of integrating the functional and logic programming
paradigms, starting with the identification of their semantic differences. The main methods to …