Religion and organization: A critical review of current trends and future directions

P Tracey - Academy of management annals, 2012 -
Given the profound role that religion continues to play in contemporary societies, it is
surprising that management researchers have not explored the intersection between …

[引用][C] Acts of Faith: explaining the human side of religion

R Stark - 2000 -
" Acts of Faith is the single'big book'in the sociology of religion in the past decade, a
monumental effort that both demolishes old theories and creates brilliant new ones. Stark …

[图书][B] Religion and the new immigrants: Continuities and adaptations in immigrant congregations

JS Chafetz, HR Ebaugh - 2000 -
New immigrants_those arriving since the Immigration Reform Act of 1965_have forever
altered American culture and have been profoundly altered in turn. Although the religious …

[引用][C] Sharing the Journey: Support Groups and America's New Quest for Community

R Wuthnow - 1994 -
PREFACE or as long as most Americans can remember, our society has been Fdescribed to
us as being composed of individualists. As children, we were taught to be independent. We …

[图书][B] Congregations in conflict: Cultural models of local religious life

PE Becker, P Edgell - 1999 -
Congregations in Conflict examines the nature of American congregations as institutions,
looking in particular at how they deal with conflict within their ranks, to gain insight into …

Religion and family in a changing society

P Edgell - 2013 -
My first thanks go to the people in the four communities in upstate New York—Tompkins
County, Seneca County, Liverpool, and Northside—who cooperated so generously in this …

[图书][B] The angel and the beehive: The Mormon struggle with assimilation

AL Mauss - 1994 -
" The past few decades have witnessed an increasing reaction of the Mormons against their
own successful assimilation", Armand Mauss writes in The Angel and the Beehive," as …

[图书][B] Catholic identity: Balancing reason, faith, and power

M Dillon - 1999 -
It has been well documented that American Catholics tend to be Catholics on their own
terms, or choose to remain Catholic while selectively embracing official Church doctrine. But …

[图书][B] In the course of a lifetime: Tracing religious belief, practice, and change

M Dillon, P Wink - 2007 -
In the Course of a Lifetime provides an unprecedented portrait of the dynamic role religion
plays in the everyday experiences of Americans over the course of their lives. The book …

[图书][B] Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

M Dillon - 2003 -
Part I Religion as a Field of Sociological Knowledge 1 The sociology of religion in late
modernity Michele Dillon 2 Studying religion, making it sociological Robert Wuthnow 3 The …