Origin of the heaviest elements: The rapid neutron-capture process

JJ Cowan, C Sneden, JE Lawler, A Aprahamian… - Reviews of Modern …, 2021 - APS
The production of about half of the heavy elements found in nature is assigned to a specific
astrophysical nucleosynthesis process: the rapid neutron-capture process (r process) …

The impact of individual nuclear properties on r-process nucleosynthesis

MR Mumpower, R Surman, GC McLaughlin… - Progress in Particle and …, 2016 - Elsevier
The astrophysical rapid neutron capture process or 'r process' of nucleosynthesis is believed
to be responsible for the production of approximately half the heavy element abundances …

r-process nucleosynthesis: connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos

CJ Horowitz, A Arcones, B Cote… - Journal of Physics G …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This is an exciting time for the study of r-process nucleosynthesis. Recently, a neutron star
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …

Development of a reference database for beta-delayed neutron emission

P Dimitriou, I Dillmann, B Singh, V Piksaikin… - Nuclear Data …, 2021 - Elsevier
Beta-delayed neutron emission is important for nuclear structure and astrophysics as well as
for reactor applications. Significant advances in nuclear experimental techniques in the past …

Following nuclei through nucleosynthesis: A novel tracing technique

TM Sprouse, MR Mumpower, R Surman - Physical Review C, 2021 - APS
Astrophysical nucleosynthesis is a family of diverse processes by which atomic nuclei
undergo nuclear reactions and decay to form new nuclei. The complex nature of …

Direct Measurement of the Capture Ratio in Ta-Based Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

S Fretwell, KG Leach, C Bray, GB Kim, J Dilling… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
We report a high-statistics measurement of the L/K orbital electron capture ratio in Be 7
embedded in cryogenic Ta. The thin Ta film formed part of a high-resolution …

Modular total absorption spectrometer

M Karny, KP Rykaczewski, A Fijałkowska… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2016 - Elsevier
The design and performance of the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer built and
commissioned at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is presented. The active volume of the …

Ion traps in nuclear physics—recent results and achievements

T Eronen, A Kankainen, J Äystö - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2016 - Elsevier
Ion traps offer a way to determine nuclear binding energies through atomic mass
measurements with a high accuracy and they are routinely used to provide isotopically or …

In-trap spectroscopy of charge-bred radioactive ions

A Lennarz, A Grossheim, KG Leach, M Alanssari… - Physical Review Letters, 2014 - APS
In this Letter, we introduce the concept of in-trap nuclear decay spectroscopy of highly
charged radioactive ions and describe its successful application as a novel spectroscopic …

[PDF][PDF] Making the heaviest elements in the Universe: a review of the rapid neutron capture process

JJ Cowan, C Sneden, JE Lawler… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2019 - ucolick.org
The production of about half the heavy elements (beyond Fe and Ni) found in nature is
assigned to a specific astrophysical nucleosynthesis process: the rapid neutron capture …