Bug characteristics in open source software

L Tan, C Liu, Z Li, X Wang, Y Zhou, C Zhai - Empirical software …, 2014 - Springer
To design effective tools for detecting and recovering from software failures requires a deep
understanding of software bug characteristics. We study software bug characteristics by …

Software bloat analysis: Finding, removing, and preventing performance problems in modern large-scale object-oriented applications

G Xu, N Mitchell, M Arnold, A Rountev… - Proceedings of the FSE …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Generally believed to be a problem belonging to the compiler and architecture communities,
performance optimization has rarely gained attention in mainstream software engineering …

Memory leak detection in Java: Taxonomy and classification of approaches

V Šor, SN Srirama - Journal of Systems and Software, 2014 - Elsevier
Memory leaks are usually not associated with runtime environments with automatic garbage
collection; however, memory leaks do happen in such environments and present a …

LeakChaser: Helping programmers narrow down causes of memory leaks

G Xu, MD Bond, F Qin, A Rountev - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
In large programs written in managed languages such as Java and C#, holding
unnecessary references often results in memory leaks and bloat, degrading significantly …

Tolerating memory leaks

MD Bond, KS McKinley - Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
Type safety and garbage collection in managed languages eliminate memory errors such as
dangling pointers, double frees, and leaks of unreachable objects. Unfortunately, a program …

Interruptible tasks: Treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs

L Fang, K Nguyen, G Xu, B Demsky, S Lu - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Real-world data-parallel programs commonly suffer from great memory pressure, especially
when they are executed to process large datasets. Memory problems lead to excessive GC …

Efficiently and precisely locating memory leaks and bloat

G Novark, ED Berger, BG Zorn - Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Inefficient use of memory, including leaks and bloat, remain a significant challenge for C and
C++ developers. Applications with these problems become slower over time as their working …

{RESIN}: A Holistic Service for Dealing with Memory Leaks in Production Cloud Infrastructure

C Lou, C Chen, P Huang, Y Dang, S Qin… - … USENIX Symposium on …, 2022 - usenix.org
Resin: A Holistic Service for Dealing with Memory Leaks in Production Cloud Infrastructure
Page 1 This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Symposium on …

Leakchecker: Practical static memory leak detection for managed languages

D Yan, G Xu, S Yang, A Rountev - Proceedings of Annual IEEE/ACM …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Static detection of memory leaks in a managed language such as Java is attractive because
it does not rely on any leak-triggering inputs, allowing compile-time tools to find leaks before …

Detecting memory leaks through introspective dynamic behavior modelling using machine learning

S Lee, C Jung, S Pande - … of the 36th International Conference on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
This paper expands staleness-based memory leak detection by presenting a machine
learning-based framework. The proposed framework is based on an idea that object …