A recognized expert in Greek grammar examines two features of the Greek verb: voice and mood. Drawing on his years of teaching experience at a leading seminary, David …
Students of the Bible are generally comfortable with their understanding of the command “make disciples”(Matt 28: 19). Indeed, most of them would argue that the Gospel writer …
This thesis examines the text of Rev 19: 5-10, with particular attention to its social and cultural background of the Greco-Roman world. The thesis applies visual exegesis based on …
Some ancient and important witnesses to the text of Phil 3: 12 attest to a reading in which Paul the apostle claims he has not yet been “justified” or “found righteous.” This reading …
While the majority of scholars now hold that the canonical Gospels' closest generic analogue is that of Greco-Roman biography of the early Imperial period, some scholars …
The objective of this dissertation is to test some major theories on the discourse function of the Greek indicative verb-forms in narrative. Since the publication of Stanley Porter and Buist …
Hiramatsu Kei examines the literary structure of 2 Corinthians and how it can illuminate understanding of this Pauline letter and its theological message. He explores the theoretical …
Scholars have looked primarily to the three adjacent participles of μαθητεύσατε (Matt 28: 19a) for its meaning and have not developed and consistently upheld a line of argument that …