Regulatory races: the effects of jurisdictional competition on regulatory standards

BG Carruthers, NR Lamoreaux - Journal of Economic Literature, 2016 -
This article surveys the literature on regulatory arbitrage in four settings: labor regulation,
environmental protection, corporate governance, and banking and finance. For a regulatory …

Racing towards the top: The impact of cross-listing and stock market competition on international corporate governance

JC Coffee Jr - Colum. L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
Today, there are an estimated 150 securities exchanges trading stocks around the world. 1
Tomorrow (or at least within the reasonably foreseeable future), this number is likely to …

[图书][B] Eurolegalism: The transformation of law and regulation in the European Union

RD Kelemen - 2011 -
In crowded airport terminals from Brussels to Bratislava, the European Union (EU) reaches
out to weary travelers. Posters sponsored by the European Commission and adorned with …

Market vs. regulatory responses to corporate fraud: A critique of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

LE Ribstein - J. Corp. L., 2002 - HeinOnline
The latter part of the 20th century saw a debate about the appropriate approach to regulating
the corporation. The traditional view was that governance of the large corporation was and …

[图书][B] Principles of corporate finance law

E Ferran, LC Ho - 2014 -
Corporate finance theory seeks to understand how incorporated firms address the financial
constraints that affect their investment decisions. This is achieved by using varied financial …

Taming the animal spirits of the stock markets: A behavioral approach to securities regulation

DC Langevoort - Nw. UL Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
The recent Enron bankruptcy is one of those rare events that brings corporate and securities
law close to sustained public attention. 2 It has shaken confidence that the prevailing legal …

Private ordering of public markets: The rating agency paradox

SL Schwarcz - U. Ill. L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
Moreover, rating agencies are members of the" new set of [largely, though not exclusively,
private] intermediary. strategic agents [that] have absorbed some of the international …

The SEC, retail investors, and the institutionalization of the securities markets

DC Langevoort - Va. L. Rev., 2009 - HeinOnline
T HE Securities and Exchange Commission thinks of itself as the investors' advocate, by
which it means retail investorsindividuals and households-as opposed to institutional …

The globalization of American law

RD Kelemen, EC Sibbitt - International organization, 2004 -
A substantial body of research suggests that the United States has a distinctive legal style
characterized by detailed rules, extensive transparency requirements, adversarial …

Public symbol in private contract: a case study

A Gelpern, M Gulati - Wash. UL Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
This Article revisits a recent shift in standard form sovereign bond contracts to promote
collective action among creditors. Major press outlets welcomed the shift as a milestone in …