The primary purpose of this study was to predict credit card debt among college students by augmenting Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior to include the construct of financial …
Law tends to divide people into two groups based on age: children and adults. The age of majority provides a bright line between two quite different legal regimes. Minority is …
Consumers continually make small-dollar purchases through business-toconsumer (" B2C") contracts, usually without incident. Occasionally, however, the goods and services that …
Self-control theory offers insights for explaining why consumers resist or succumb to buying urges. We examine self-control failures in terms of behavioral, psychological, and social …
P Foohey - Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L., 2020 - HeinOnline
Automobiles have become part of America's infrastructure. For most people, having access to a car is crucial to their livelihoods and they will take on significant amounts of debt to …
K Fritzdixon, J Hawkins, PM Skiba - U. Ill. L. Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
Millions of people who are outside the mainstream banking system turn to title loans each year as a means of accessing credit. 1 Every year around 7500 title lenders make more than …
In this article, we offer conceptual and empirical insight for understanding the psycho-social variables that impact the acquisition of credit cards by college students and their ultimate …
Self-control lapses not only impact credit card debt, but combined with this debt lead to further self-control lapses and life stressors for consumers. A causal model is developed and …