[图书][B] Sharing Power, Securing Peace?: Ethnic Inclusion and Civil War

LE Cederman, S Hug, J Wucherpfennig - 2022 - books.google.com
Does power sharing bring peace? Policymakers around the world seem to think so. Yet,
while there are many successful examples of power sharing in multi-ethnic states, such as …

Securing peace? Regime types and security sector reform in the Patani (Thailand) and Bangsamoro (the Philippines) peace processes, 2011–2016

J Sombatpoonsiri - Strategic Analysis, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines how regime types shape security sector reforms, that are integral to the
peace processes in Thailand's Patani and the Philippines' Mindanao. Lessons drawn from …

Civil war outcomes and egalitarian democracy in post-civil war states: A cross-national analysis, 1946-2018

M Gurses, TD Mason - Defence and Peace Economics, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
While a growing body of research has highlighted a significant and positive relationship
between negotiated peace agreements and postwar democratization, they have focused …

Ceasefires as State-Building

M Sosnowski - Program on Governance and Local Development …, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper views ceasefires as rarely only a “cease fire”. Rather it reconceptualises
ceasefires more as particular types of wartime order that can have a variety of different state …