The evaluation of air quality is an important topic. It is well known that lichens have a set of characteristics that make them well suited for biomonitoring purposes. Sampling lichen …
The paper discusses the application of lichen diversity in the form of Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) for environmental stress study (air pollution) around a paper mill in Assam, India …
Epiphytic lichen and bryophyte Floristic Richness (FR) and distribution were investigated in Lisbon and the adjacent southern riverbank, in the centre-west of Portugal within the Lisbon …
The land-use type (residential, green areas, and traffic) within relatively small Mediterranean urban areas determines significant changes on lichen diversity, considering species …
SA Rodrigues, A Terron-Alfonso… - The …, 2011 -
Lecanora sorediomarginata Rodrigues, Terrón & Elix sp. nov., described as new to science from Portugal, is characterized morphologically by a crustose whitish-grey to greenish …
The detailed dynamics of epiphytic lichen communities were observed while studying permanent quadrats in the zone of influence of a phosphorus fertiliser factory in central …
P Carvalho, R Figueira, M Jones… - Portugaliae Acta …, 2002 -
A composição da flora epífitica liquénica na região do litoral alentejano, que inclui a área do complexo industrial de Sines, foi actualizada através de levantamentos florísticos em vários …
Julien Harmand described four lichen species from Portugal. Two of those taxa are restudied here. As a result, the following synonyms are proposed: Lecanora manuelina is …
Neste trabalho são assim apresentados os resultados dos levantamentos e das herborizações realizadas em duas épocas de estudo (1976/85 e 1997/98). Com este estudo …