All one needs to know about metaverse: A complete survey on technological singularity, virtual ecosystem, and research agenda

LH Lee, T Braud, PY Zhou, L Wang… - … and Trends® in …, 2024 -
Since the popularisation of the Internet in the 1990s, the cyberspace has kept evolving. We
have created various computer-mediated virtual environments, including social networks …

Multimodality in VR: A survey

D Martin, S Malpica, D Gutierrez, B Masia… - ACM Computing …, 2022 -
Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly growing, with the potential to change the way we create and
consume content. In VR, users integrate multimodal sensory information they receive to …

A survey on haptic technologies for mobile augmented reality

C Bermejo, P Hui - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021 -
Augmented reality (AR) applications have gained much research and industry attention.
Moreover, the mobile counterpart—mobile augmented reality (MAR) is one of the most …

Haptic interfaces for virtual reality: Challenges and research directions

C Wee, KM Yap, WN Lim - IEEE access, 2021 -
The sense of touch (haptics) has been applied in several areas such as tele-haptics, tele-
medicine, training, education, and entertainment. As of today, haptics is used and explored …

Interactionadapt: Interaction-driven workspace adaptation for situated virtual reality environments

YF Cheng, C Gebhardt, C Holz - Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM …, 2023 -
Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to transform how we work: it enables flexible and
personalized workspaces beyond what is possible in the physical world. However, while …

Combining dynamic passive haptics and haptic retargeting for enhanced haptic feedback in virtual reality

A Zenner, K Ullmann, A Krüger - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
To provide immersive haptic experiences, proxy-based haptic feedback systems for virtual
reality (VR) face two central challenges:(1) similarity, and (2) colocation. While to solve …

Taste Retargeting via Chemical Taste Modulators

J Brooks, N Amin, P Lopes - Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM …, 2023 -
Prior research has explored modifying taste through electrical stimulation. While promising,
such interfaces often only elicit taste changes while in contact with the user's tongue (eg …

“can i touch this?”: Survey of virtual reality interactions via haptic solutions: Revue de littérature des interactions en réalité virtuelle par le biais de solutions haptiques

E Bouzbib, G Bailly, S Haliyo, P Frey - … of the 32nd Conference on l' …, 2021 -
Haptic feedback has become crucial to enhance the user experiences in Virtual Reality
(VR). This justifies the sudden burst of novel haptic solutions proposed these past years in …

VoxelHap: A toolkit for constructing proxies providing tactile and kinesthetic haptic feedback in virtual reality

M Feick, C Biyikli, K Gani, A Wittig, A Tang… - Proceedings of the 36th …, 2023 -
Experiencing virtual environments is often limited to abstract interactions with objects.
Physical proxies allow users to feel virtual objects, but are often inaccessible. We present …

Designing visuo-haptic illusions with proxies in virtual reality: Exploration of grasp, movement trajectory and object mass

M Feick, KP Regitz, A Tang, A Krüger - … of the 2022 CHI Conference on …, 2022 -
Visuo-haptic illusions are a method to expand proxy-based interactions in VR by introducing
unnoticeable discrepancies between the virtual and real world. Yet how different design …