What are the neural mechanisms underlying working memory (WM)? One influential theory posits that neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) store WM information via persistent …
Neurons in higher cortical areas, such as the prefrontal cortex, are often tuned to a variety of sensory and motor variables, and are therefore said to display mixed selectivity. This …
Neural populations can change the computation they perform on very short timescales. Although such flexibility is common, the underlying computational strategies at the …
Working memory (WM) activity is not as stationary or sustained as previously thought. There are brief bursts of gamma (~ 50–120 Hz) and beta (~ 20–35 Hz) oscillations, the former …
Cognitive flexibility is fundamental to adaptive intelligent behavior. Prefrontal cortex has long been associated with flexible cognitive function, but the neurophysiological principles that …
Working memory (WM) provides the stability necessary for high-level cognition. Influential theories typically assume that WM depends on the persistence of stable neural …
The prefrontal cortex is activated during working memory, as evidenced by fMRI results in human studies and neurophysiological recordings in animal models. Persistent activity …
Coping with threatening situations requires both identifying stimuli that predict danger and selecting adaptive behavioural responses to survive. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex …
Recent evidence of unconscious working memory challenges the notion that only visible stimuli can be actively maintained over time. In the present study, we investigated the neural …