A Masso, S Opermann, V Eljand - socialspacejournal …, 2014 - socialspacejournal-archive.eu
The article aims to analyse socio-cultural transition in Estonia, offering a theoretical framework for empirical analysis. Using the approaches of communication geography …
R Kõuts-Klemm - Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception …, 2017 - academia.edu
This article presents the Estonian part of an international study on news use and outlines nine Estonian news media repertoires. Based on a Q-methodological approach, the analysis …
Educational systems worldwide constantly change (Fullan, 2007) due to major societal, political and cultural shifts related to changes in production, consumption, economic life …
The rapidly changing technological and economic environment has changed the notion of journalism as a field and the journalist as an agent (Hanitzsch, 2007; Donsbach, 2008; …
“We realize how much it is woven into our life when it fails. Then the depth of our dependence on specific technology is realized.” Quan-Haase (2016: 1) Data, especially big …
Technological developments and digital evolution have changed library services and environments–thus today's academic libraries are rapidly expanding into the virtual space …
Ei ole ilmselt päris tavaline, et üle viiekümnene ema otsustab veelkord tudengiks hakata, seekord siis doktorantuuris. Ma tegin seda, sest mind ümbritsesid ja ümbritsevad inimesed …
Estonia is a multi-ethnic country with representatives of more 180 ethnicities. According to the latest population census conducted by Statistics Estonia (2011), the largest ethnic …
Käesoleva dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks oli kirjeldada ja seletada, kuidas nõukogude propagandasüsteem kasutas Nõukogude Eesti ajakirjandust oma eesmärkide elluviimisel …