Mathematical and numerical modelling of the human cardiovascular system has attracted remarkable research interest due to its intrinsic mathematical difficulty and the increasing …
In the chronic stage of myocardial infarction, a significant number of patients develop life- threatening ventricular tachycardias (VT) due to the arrhythmogenic nature of the remodeled …
The Purkinje system is a heart structure responsible for transmitting electrical impulses through the ventricles in a fast and coordinated way to trigger mechanical contraction …
We present a new model of human cardiac electromechanics for the left ventricle where electrophysiology is described by a Reaction–Eikonal model and which enables an off-line …
A key mechanism controlling cardiac function is the electrical activation sequence of the heart's main pumping chambers termed the ventricles. As such, personalization of the …
We present a model for the electrophysiology in the heart to handle the electrical propagation through the Purkinje system and in the myocardium, with two-way coupling at …
In this work, we consider the numerical approximation of the electromechanical coupling in the left ventricle with inclusion of the Purkinje network. The mathematical model couples the …
Cardiac digital twins are personalized virtual representations used to understand complex heart mechanisms. Solving the ECG inverse problem is crucial for accurate virtual heart …
The identification of the initial ventricular activation sequence is a critical step for the correct personalization of patient‐specific cardiac models. In healthy conditions, the Purkinje …