Disaster is an event or series of events that threatens and disrupts the life and livelihood of the community which is caused, both by natural and or non-natural factors as well as human …
Mount Semeru eruption in 2020 and 2021 damaged 851 ha of productive land. Restoration of the affected lands requires information such as wide area, distribution, and eruption …
This study examines the social capital in case of people preparedness towards landslide. This research was conducted at Pagerharjo Village, Kulonprogo District where the location …
AMW Ekaputri, S Wulandari, E Ellysa - Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 2021 - ojs.uajy.ac.id
Salah satu sifat kekuatan tanah yang berkaitan dengan konstruksi jalan adalah nilai kekuatan CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Nilai CBR pada tanah lempung dipengaruhi oleh …
[引用][C]Analisis kerentanan tanah longsor sebagai dasar mitigasi di kabupaten banjarnegara (vulnerability analysis as a basic for landslide mitigation in banjarnegara …
PD Susanti, A Miardini, B Harjadi - … Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Journal of …, 2017
The Serang watershed includes the main river (Kali Serang) and its tributaries, which flow into the Indian Ocean from the Menoreh Hills and estuary. The Serang River downstream …
TANAH sebagai lapisan teratas dari kerak bumi yang langsung bersentuhan dengan atmosfir pada top soil, merupakan hasil proses pelapukan yang terjadi pada batuan dasar …
Indonesia is a tropical region which is located in the geographical location of the equator, that causing some areas in Indonesia covered by soil types from intensive weathering of …
Based on BNPB data in 2014, there were 385 landslide cases in Indonesia with the West Coast Regency of Lampung being one of the landslide-prone areas in Lampung Province …