The anisotropy of microhardness of pure α-Ti single crystals, indentation size effect in single- crystal, course grained (CG) pure and nanocrystalline (NC) VT1-0 titanium, as well as the …
Економіка праці і соціально-трудові відносини: навчально-методичний комплекс [Електронний ресурс]: для студентів освітнього ступіня «Бакалавр», галузі знань 05 …
Bulk titanium with a grain size varied from nanometers up to submicronic values was obtained by cryomechanical treatment and annealing. Transmission electron microscopy …
The bulk titanium with a grain size from nanometer to submicron was obtained using cryomechanical treatment. An investigation of nanostructure, determining unusual …
MO Vasiliev, SM Voloshko, LF Yatsenko - 2012 -
The goal of a given review is to consider the main directions to modify the structure and mechanical properties in the bulk and on the surface of metals and alloys via the severe …
В интервале температур 77–300 К измерена микротвердость образцов титана ВТ1-0 с размером зерна от 35 нм до 10 мкм. Показано, что нанокристаллические образцы …
Using X-ray diffraction analysis, a systematic study was undertaken of the parameters of the deformation microstructure formed in commercially pure VT1-0 titanium as a result of …