[图书][B] Too-Big-to-Fail in Banking

TF Lesche - 2021 - Springer
This dissertation consists of two parts: Part I Too-big-to-fail in banking review is a
comprehensive summary of the latest academic research on the important topic of too-big-to …

Geleneksel, değer bazlı ve alternatif performans ölçütlerinin uluslararası finansal raporlama standartları ile ilişkisi: Borsa İstanbul'da bir uygulama

H Cavlak - 2019 - search.proquest.com
İşletmelerin stratejilerini doğru belirleyebilmeleri ve sürdürülebilir bir yapıya sahip
olabilmeleri için performanslarını tam ve gerçekçi bir şekilde ölçmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu …

Impact of Capital Structure on Firm Value with Profitability as Mediator: Indonesian Coal Companies Study

S Widigdya, A Akhmadi… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 - multidisipliner.org
Over the past six years, global economic volatility shaped by geopolitical complexities has
significantly impacted the coal sector, marked by fluctuating prices influenced by events …

Sustainability reporting quality of growth companies versus value companies; greenwashing or transparency?

OK Reum, KL Aunet - 2022 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Informasjon om bærekraft sender et signal til omverdenen som kan redusere
informasjonsasymmetri mellom selskapet og dens interessenter. I denne studien undersøker …


MG Russon, V Bansal - Journal of Business and Behavioral …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Typical equity valuation regression models use OLS to model price as a function of balance
sheet metrics. The predicted values from such regressions are deployed in a portfolio …

Testing the Predictive Power of Equity Valuation Metrics: A Minskyian Approach

MAH Khan - 2016 - digitalcommons.bard.edu
Valuation process is at the core of finance. There are several methods that can be used to
value a stock. Analysts, due to constraints in time, choose between a few metrics to obtain a …

[PDF][PDF] A Statistical Inquiry into the Correlation of Income and Balance Sheet Metrics on Equity Valuation

V Bansal - Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2018 - na-businesspress.homestead.com
Financial analysts, portfolio managers and investment bankers seeking to assess over-or
undervaluation of securities ofen use metrics such as price to earnings, price to cash flow …

Fasteignafélög á Íslandi og IAS-staðall 40: mat á fjárfestingareignum fasteignafélaga

G Steindórsdóttir - skemman.is
Í þessu verkefni eru þrjú stærstu fasteignafélögin á Íslandi tekin fyrir og borið saman hvernig
mat á fjárfestingareignum þeirra fer fram. Skoðaður verður alþjóðlegi …

[PDF][PDF] Conservatisme en het conceptual framework van de IASB

S Vandemaele, E Janssen - Maandblad voor Accountancy en …, 2017 - mab-online.nl
Over de plaats van het voorzichtigheidsbeginsel binnen het Conceptual Framework (CF) is,
in het kader van de voorstellen tot wijziging van het CF, veel discussie geweest, met name …

[PDF][PDF] Do fundamental Factors Explain stock Prices-Evidence from the Malaysian Banking Sector.

GAZH Mak, SM Leong, MSL Goh, SC Siam, LY Tan - 2016 - eprints.utar.edu.my
This study is part of our research project as final year students of the Bachelor of Finance
(Hons) course. The fundamental factors that affect stock prices have always piqued our …