Planar waveguide apparatus with diffraction element (s) and system employing same

R Abovitz, BT Schowengerdt, MD Watson - US Patent 9,671,566, 2017 - Google Patents
US9671566B2 - Planar waveguide apparatus with diffraction element(s) and system employing
same - Google Patents US9671566B2 - Planar waveguide apparatus with diffraction element(s) …

Eye glint imaging in see-through computer display systems

JN Border - US Patent 9,836,122, 2017 - Google Patents
Disclosure herein concerns a method that includes illuminating a user's eye with an
illumination source in a head-worn display, capturing an image of the user's eye with an eye …

See-through computer display systems

JN Border, J Bietry, JD Haddick - US Patent 9,494,800, 2016 - Google Patents
US9494800B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US9494800B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display systems …

See-through computer display systems

JN Border, J Bietry, JD Haddick - US Patent 9,766,463, 2017 - Google Patents
US9766463B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US9766463B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display systems …

See-through computer display systems

RF Osterhout, JN Border, RM Lohse… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
2015-01-30 Assigned to OSTERHOUT GROUP, INC. reassignment OSTERHOUT GROUP,

See-through computer display systems

RF Osterhout, RM Lohse - US Patent 9,753,288, 2017 - Google Patents
US9753288B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US9753288B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display systems …

Computer glasses

RF Osterhout - US Patent App. 29/513,496, 2016 - Google Patents
3,305,294 A 2f1967 Alvarez 4,668, 155 A 5, 1987 Kaufmann et al. D327, 674 S 7, 1992 Kuo
5,151,722 A 9, 1992 Massof et al. 5,257,094. A 10, 1993 LaRussa et al. D376, 790 S …

See-Through computer display systems

RF Osterhout, JN Border, RM Lohse… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
2016-06-22 Assigned to OSTERHOUT GROUP, INC. reassignment OSTERHOUT GROUP,

Optical configurations for head worn computing

JN Border, JD Haddick - US Patent 9,298,002, 2016 - Google Patents
US9298002B2 - Optical configurations for head worn computing - Google Patents
US9298002B2 - Optical configurations for head worn computing - Google Patents Optical …

Optical systems for see-through displays

JN Border, J Bietry, JD Haddick - US Patent 9,366,867, 2016 - Google Patents
US9366867B2 - Optical systems for see-through displays - Google Patents US9366867B2 -
Optical systems for see-through displays - Google Patents Optical systems for see-through …