Ontology visualization methods—a survey

A Katifori, C Halatsis, G Lepouras, C Vassilakis… - ACM Computing …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
Ontologies, as sets of concepts and their interrelations in a specific domain, have proven to
be a useful tool in the areas of digital libraries, the semantic web, and personalized …

Visualizing seismic risk and uncertainty: A review of related research

A Bostrom, L Anselin, J Farris - … of the New York Academy of …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Government agencies and other authorities often communicate earthquake risks using maps
derived from geographic information systems. Yet, little is known about the effects of these …

Augmented reality-based manual assembly support with visual features for different degrees of difficulty

R Radkowski, J Herrema, J Oliver - International Journal of Human …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This research investigates different visual features for augmented reality (AR)–based
assembly instructions. Since the beginning of AR research, one of its most popular …

Fiberclay: Sculpting three dimensional trajectories to reveal structural insights

C Hurter, NH Riche, SM Drucker… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Visualizing 3D trajectories to extract insights about their similarities and spatial configuration
is a critical task in several domains. Air traffic controllers for example deal with large …

An empirical study on using visual embellishments in visualization

R Borgo, A Abdul-Rahman, F Mohamed… - … on Visualization and …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In written and spoken communications, figures of speech (eg, metaphors and synecdoche)
are often used as an aid to help convey abstract or less tangible concepts. However, the …

The design space of implicit hierarchy visualization: A survey

HJ Schulz, S Hadlak… - IEEE transactions on …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Apart from explicit node-link representations, implicit visualizations and especially the
Treemap as their frontrunner have acquired a solid position among the available techniques …

Naive Realism: Misplaced Faith in Realistic Displays

HS Smallman, MS John - Ergonomics in design, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
Naive Realism: Misplaced Faith in Realistic Displays - Harvey S. Smallman, Mark St. John,
2005 Skip to main content Intended for healthcare professionals Sage Journals Home Search …

Process and pitfalls in writing information visualization research papers

T Munzner - Information visualization: human-centered issues and …, 2008 - Springer
The goal of this chapter is to help authors recognize and avoid a set of pitfalls that recur in
many rejected information visualization papers, using a chronological model of the research …

Visualization task performance with 2D, 3D, and combination displays

M Tory, AE Kirkpatrick, MS Atkins… - IEEE transactions on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We describe a series of experiments that compare 2D displays, 3D displays, and combined
2D/3D displays (orientation icon, ExoVis, and clip planes) for relative position estimation …

2D and 3D presentation of spatial data: A systematic review

S Dübel, M Röhlig, H Schumann… - 2014 IEEE VIS …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The question whether to use 2D or 3D for data visualization is generally difficult to decide.
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional visualization techniques exhibit different …